Tosa Block Party

The foundation of Tosa Block Party lies in one man’s passion to see the world build.

The year is 2015. One brick-loving man dreams of a place where anyone can gather to discuss, swap, and assemble LEGO. There would be no more incomplete builds, because finding extra pieces would be a snap.

Officially opened in October 2017, Tosa Block Party was born, realizing this dream of a social LEGO scene. Finally, LEGO people have an outlet to browse classic sets, unload their current collection to a loving home, and bounce ideas off of other LEGO architects. Families with children can come into explore the world of brick-building without committing to a new set at home, and kids can play, build, learn, explore, dream, and even celebrate.

No matter what you are looking for, if it involves Lego, we want to help!